
This is when I tried to buy some clothing but this appeared instead.In  this weird glitch, one of NorthernKings's spikes on his collar is floating..
In this glitch I am trying to buy a new animal but I couldn't..
In this, I am trying to buy a second animal but it doesn't show me the second paw!In this glitch I was in the Spooky Party and became a ghost but then I went to the mud in Appondale and I was a shadow ghost! In this glitch, a non member horse appeared in Jamaa, I was a non member fox so I know how to do this epic glitch. First, on your expiring date stay online, when AJHQ sends you an email about your membership expiring, your name tag will appear non member, after that, change into a member animal and BAM, you're a member animal but non member! After you log out, you are done with the member animal glitch, so good luck!
When I had 101 buddies instead of 100! ;D

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1. No bad words, please.
2. No racist comments to ANYONE.
3. Comment as much as you want.
4. Don't show very personal information, for someone could hack you.
5. Have fun.
6. Be nice.
7. No bullying, because some people commit suicide due to that problem.
8. Don't say inappropriate things.
9. No insults.
10. Jam on and be pawsome!